Choreographic training programme
9 July – 14 August 2025

  1. General information
  2. Artistic statement by Guy Cools
  3. Artistic statement by Christopher Matthews
  4. ATLAS includes
  5. Fees & application
  6. Contact

ATLAS – create your dance trails is a modular training programme in the scope of ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival. It offers both artists with first choreographic experience and artists in the middle of their career, including from other disciplines, a dynamic environment for their artistic development. The programme aims to meet two of their central needs: first, to have access to studio space to do research and work on pieces, and second, to receive new input through individual training programmes, by watching international productions and by exchanging ideas with artists from more than 100 countries, as well as through peer-to-peer exchanges among the ATLAS groups.

Dramaturgical advice is provided by coaches supervising the participants’ work during the course of the programme. In 2025, these are dance dramaturge Guy Cools and choreographer, performer, visual artist and curator Christopher Matthews. Applicants for ATLAS 2025 have the opportunity to choose between the two coaches. Multiple applications are possible, but please send a list of preferences to in this case. Maximum number of participants per group: 25.


“Every genuine creative process is a journey into the unknown, which has the potential for personal transformation. For this we need to trust the journey, get the support from our peers and communities and have a safe space for exploration and risk taking. As a mentor I will try to accompany you on your individual journeys, to be and think with you and to moderate the building of an ATLAS community.”


“Choreographic investigation is a deeply personal and intimate process where artists explore their creative voice, physical vocabulary, and the choreographic potential of objects. There is a precious moment when daily practice becomes the exploration of a new work, navigating the vulnerability of questions like, ‘What is bothering you in the world and how do you work with it? What inspires you? What brings you joy or pain?’. It will be a privilege to witness your process, be a visitor to your practise, or act as a springboard for navigating new knowledge.”


Workshop and Research Module

  • 3-day introductory session led by ATLAS coaches
  • Participation in up to 10 workshops
  • Participation in up to 2 research projects
  • Participation in the ImPulsTanz Symposium for Dance and Other Contemporary Practices LACE#3

Performance Module

  • Free admission to all productions

Rehearsal and Workspace Module

  • Studio space exclusively for the ATLAS groups
  • Personal artistic coaching (at least two individual sessions)
  • Regular exchange and feedback sessions within the ATLAS groups (depending on the needs of the participants)
  • Meetings with choreographers from the [8:tension] Young Choreographers’ Series
  • Peer showing(s) along the duration of the programme
  • Final feedback talk with the ATLAS coaches and peers
  • ATLAS certificate


  • Accommodation in Vienna
  • ImPulsTanz bike for the duration of the stay or alternatively a monthly ticket for public transport
  • Free admission to the ImPulsTanz parties


The participation fee is 2,900 euro.
The participation fee does not include travel costs, visa fees, health insurance and food.

Applications can be submitted via the online tool:
The application period for 2025 has already ended. 

For the application we need the following information (in English): personal data, a CV, a project description/letter of motivation, a portrait photo and links to videos of past artistic works. Applicants are invited to describe the project they would like to work on during their stay in the motivation letter.

We will inform applicants by mid-January 2025 of their acceptance or rejection. To formalise your participation in the ATLAS programme, a down payment of 800 euro must be made no later than four weeks after confirmation of acceptance. Please note that expenses are to be paid by the remitter! Participants must be of legal age.

After receiving the down payment or the total participation fee, we will send you an official invitation letter including confirmation of acceptance. This letter is intended to help with applications for travel subsidies, grants or other types of financial support. The ATLAS coordinator will be happy to advise you on available funding opportunities. With the payment of the deposit we reserve your place in the programme, this is then binding and obliges you to pay the full programme fee.

Cancellation Policy
Please note that you can cancel your participation until 2 June 2025. In this case, a cancellation fee of 50 euro will be retained and we will refund the remaining amount that has already been paid. For cancellations after 2 June 2025 and before 4 July 2025, the deposit of 800 euro will be retained. 750 euro (800 euro minus cancellation fee) can be redeemed within ImPulsTanz workshop & research programme 2025, 2026 and 2027. Any amount over 800 euro will be refunded. After 4 July 2025 there will be no more reimbursement, but 2,850 euro (2,900 euro minus cancellation fee) can be redeemed within ImPulsTanz workshop & research programme 2025, 2026 or 2027.

A participation in ATLAS is only possible if the full participation fee is paid prior to the start of the programme. 

Application deadline was 6 December 2024. 



JC Bailey
Milena Keller