Workshops 2014

Workshops 2014

Nicole Peisl
(Forsythe Work-based) Action Taking & Situatedness

© Hannah Siegesleuthner
Week 3, 4.8.–8.8.2014
Arsenal 1

Forsythe Work based Workshop

Movement can be a way to investigate consciousness and research into consciousness can shape our presence and possibility for movement.

In this workshop we will work with methods for compositional practice developed in the setting of the Forsythe Company. Within this practice we will aim to establish an axis of orientation in relation to the statement above. We will get to know principles provided by these methods thoroughly and allow ourselves to use these methods as a departure point and facilitator to engage with a compositional field of manifold. In this setting we will work on achieving specific forms of presence and consciousness.

We will use our curiosity and access our sensation on physical and proprioceptive alignments and relationships as carriers of information and practise differentiation through reflection on how we work with the task at hand. We will also acknowledge our impulses in order to allow ourselves to move beyond thinking about the method towards the manifestation of shifts in presence and consciousness.
When working we will acknowledge the role of action-taking and situatedness. We will investigate how we react to new situations and also old situations, how we make decisions and so create new situations. This will be the setting through which we can move from the bodily practice into the field of compositional possibilities.
We will also be working in dyads and triads and encourage the verbalisation of the experience and the discoveries.

Nicole Peisl

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