Workshops 2022

Workshops 2022

© Carla Schleiffer

Krõõt Juurak & Michelangelo Miccolis
Performance Therapy

© Carla Schleiffer
Week 2, 18.7.–22.7.2022
14:20–17:20 / XL +Teacher
Arsenal 4

So, what is Performance Therapy?
Something between performance and therapy? The opposite of performance? Failed therapy? Stand-up comedy? A performance for ourselves, therapy for the audience or the other way round? Well, we really don’t know. Performance Therapy is something we do when we are not doing something else, or in fact it's like being in a workshop wishing to be somewhere else, someone else.

Performance Therapy is an attempt to engage with open and failed processes as both modes of resistance and ways to directly, and accidentally, address an audience.

We all know immaterial labour requires mobility, flexibility and creativity. We are a certain type of vagabond that is willing and sometimes able to shift contexts, works and environments simply to maintain something like a practice. To work with immaterial practices, through or with an institution, for or with an audience, means more often than not, being misunderstood. The workshop will become a performative platform to investigate these misunderstandings through practical and impractical task-based work.

Krõõt JuurakMichelangelo Miccolis
© Johann Kööp
© Julie Hrnčířová
© Barbara Esparza
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 27.04.2024, 07:06 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id4499/