This Workshop is focused on different facets of nudity, such as being-nude and getting-nude on stage. Hence we are exploring nudity not as provocation, but as a necessity for a physical research. What kind of movements are generated by the naked body, which otherwise are not possible with our clothes on? What forms of power and fragility are inherent in the naked body? What forms of representation, exhibition, public display and imagination are produced?
We will primarily work with the mass of the body, with the flesh, with body fat, with the skin and the skeleton. The meat is set in motion in different ways: it will be flying and falling, bones will implode and explode, skin surfaces will be wiggled, sweat will shine. We will stage the body without clothes – without losing the concreteness of nudity. During the workshop we will increasingly address the question of what it means for us today, in 2017 to set the naked body in motion.
The piece "more than naked" was premiered at ImPulsTanz 2013. Let's party our body! At the same time "more than naked" is much more than celebrating the physical materiality – which political and social motives are behind naked moving bodies? As in the piece the "more than naked training" is a very physical approach to nudity, very agitated and concrete. Our flesh wants to have fun!
Doris Uhlich