Workshops 2017

Workshops 2017

Sri Louise

© Jeremy Salazar
Week 2, 24.7.–28.7.2017
Arsenal 4


Bang, Bang, I am the Warrior.

This workshop will push back on fascist ideology through exploring anti-fascist activism, from the 80’s punk scene and the Dead Kennedy’s anthem, Nazi Punks Fuck Off to Anti-Fascist organising and street demonstrations in Athens, Prague, London, Stockholm, Vienna and Berkeley!

We’ll consider issues of labour, immigration, border imperialism and the state’s monopoly on violence, which necessitates non-violence as the only respectable, or government sanctioned option for resistance.

Using a Fanonian approach to understanding the brutality of the colonial or authoritarian regime, we’ll reflect on notions of himsa (violence) and ahimsa (non-violence) in relationship to the ethics of abstraction and what the materiality of fighting back might actually mean.

Join Yoga & ANTIFA as we immerse our physical practice in Warrior poses and their multiple variations. From Virabhadrasana Ekam-1, Dve-2 and Trini-3 to Parivrtta Uttitha Parsvakonasana. This workshop is about urging the body/mind to take a determined stand in precarious times.

"Shooting at the walls of heartache, Bang Bang, I am the warrior!" – Patty Smyth

Sri Louise
© Jessica H. Marr