Part I:
This Yoga Workshop will be an interactive mapping project, a kind of personal return to incarnate history as a way of embodying our Ancestors. Each day will seed a research project into Home and Homeland through the discursive lens of Privilege Theory asking, What's the Genealogy of Colonialism.
Please bring a journal, a camera and copies of photos of your family to be used in the Mapping Project.
Part II:
Asana as an Archival Process. Using the psycho/physical template of Asana to explore the body as archive. We will investigate the Breath as a primary source of endurance, as a mode of "enduring cultural, historical or evidentiary value" or simply as a way to self-preserve in conflicting historicities. Connecting our personal Survival Tactics to Post-Colonial Theory in an attempt to out the Hippie, Woo Woo, Colonialist Crap.
An Anti-Colonial Primer
Lost In Translation or the Looting of Yoga