Workshops 2013

Workshops 2013

Sri Louise
Yoga Teacher Training (July 29 - August 9)

© Yvonne Portra
Week 3, 29.7.–2.8.2013
Week 4, 5.8.–9.8.2013

Yoga Teacher Training

presented by: ImPulsTanz and Sri Louise

July 29 – August 9, 2013 | Vienna
Course Time Frame: 2 weeks, 5 hours per day

This 50 hour certificate course is designed for dancers who want to teach yoga in dance studios, festivals or as company class. It is specifically intended to give the dancer, who has invested years in somatic study, a viable option for an innovative income. It is also addressed to Yoga practitioners with solid dance experience. It also available to yoga practitioners and current teachers looking to strengthen their personal practice and deepen their professional perspective.

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