LACE #3 takes a closer look at integrational processes as the overarching theme.
What would it mean to treat integration as both an essential and a creative activity?
What would it mean to treat integration as an essential part of experiencing?
The verb to integrate originates from the Latin meaning "whole" or "to make whole." Many definitions of the verb include references to bringing things or people together, part or whole, to make something complete. However, there are further, more nuanced meanings. The Online Etymology Dictionary, for example, directly traces the term to the Latin integrationem (nominative integratio) meaning renewal or restoration, suggesting that to make something complete inherently involves making something (a)new. A speculative entry in the same dictionary introduces a connection between a Proto-Indo-European root tag- and in-teg-rate, meaning to touch or handle, implying that to integrate must mean to make whole (anew) by putting things together, by bringing them into contact.
What would it take to approach integration with the same sensitivity we bring to hands-on work?
The curators pavleheidler, Deirdre Morris, and Sylvia Scheidl share a vision that this event is dedicated to creating opportunities for making-knowledge through making-art, in line with the concept of artistic research. Relationality, situatedness, and embodied practices are central to their perspectives.
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Structurally, LACE #3: Materialising Touch combines the LACE Symposium and LACE Extended into a 10-day research period for practitioners in performance, dance pedagogy, academia, and related fields.
LACE Symposium, held from 14–18 July 2025, offers a series of deep dives that emphasize the merging of practice and thought through practice. It provides intensive days of meeting, practicing, and creative exchange.
LACE Extended, taking place from 21–25 July 2025, offers Symposium participants the opportunity to extend their time in relation to the deep dive presenters, their practices, and the wider participant community.