Research 2015

Research 2015

Clara Furey & Peter Jasko
A Dark Tale

© Luigi Vescio
Field Project
DA 1

A Dark Tale

“Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will.”
– T.S. Eliot

A dark tale can be as magical and poetic as sombre and upsetting. This starting point has brought up many questions on the notion of meeting: meeting the other, but also the meeting of the self, of the past, of the dark truths, the ones that are too dark for us to desire seeing them.

We would like that together/alone, our bodies/body will tell a story, sometimes through abstract movements, sometimes through more figurative ones.
This will allow us to play with the relationship between fiction and reality, or with the truth versus the illusion. As a result of the meeting of our two artistic universes, the Field Project will mix elements from contemporary dance and performative dance.

We will use tools from improvisation, choreography and our whole life experience.
We desire to create a real meeting between our worlds and not submit one to the other. The particularity of Peter Jasko’s universe is expressed through very precise physical abilities that he inherited partially from folk dancing.
Clara Furey’s universe is in opposition, much more performative: direct, intimate and charged.
We would like to specifically focus on exercising individual practice, duet work while using our research and everyone's personal input.

We will play and explore with the idea of the meeting, surpassing the simple image of the male/female relationship or of the sexual, gender related rapport.
Open Dancing is an approach that we will use as well in the Field Project that allows us to address dance in a more encompassing way, as a space for meeting one’s self and the other. It is about, for the dancer, being at the same time a participant and an observer, to work at the same time his physicality in space but as well to address the space and physicality with the other dancer/dancers, and with the audience. 

Clara FureyPeter Jasko
© Luigi Vescio
© Luigi Vescio
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 03.05.2024, 21:16 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/research/pid2793/