Katrin Blantar is a performer, mediator, teacher and choreographer with many years of international experience creating in Vienna. She is interested in combining music and dance with cultural and social anthropological and ethnomusicological approaches in order to include social and cultural dimensions as well as contemporary accents in artistic projects. Katrin's focus is on collective performances, discursive practices and interdisciplinary project work.
Katrin works as a dance lecturer at the music and dance department of the Vienna School of Music. She studied contemporary dance in Vienna and at the Dansakademie in Arnhem and has worked as a dancer, choreographer and lecturer at various dance festivals around the world (ImPulsTanz Festival Vienna, Summer Stage NYC, Ladies of Hip-Hop Festival New York, Singapore Nightfestival, International Dancefestival in Kampala/Uganda, Tanzherbst Dresden, Winter Music Conference in Miami). In 2021 Katrin Blantar initiated the foundation of The Here & Now Collective Vienna. A platform for artists from different disciplines to work on artistic, interdisciplinary projects with a community-building focus.