Workshops 2023

Workshops 2023

Claudia Hitzenberger stands in front of a flowering lilac bush and bends backwards, looking upwards. The image rights are held by Márika Rakóczy

Claudia Hitzenberger
Yoga X Spiraldynamik – Home Sweet Home – My Pelvic Floor

© Márika Rakóczy
Week 2, 17.7.–21.7.2023
17:30–20:00 / XL
Schmelz 1

Our development from fish to quadruped and biped has brought our pelvis into constant playing with to repositioning, centring, balancing movement and tension in all phases of evolution. In our body the pelvis is daily seeking balance between gravity and levity, strength and release, earth and sky, feet and sitting bones, tail and pubic bone guiding the elegant transmission of the forces to our centre and to all extremities.

The pelvis is a bowl, filled with organs, on the top wider, narrower at the bottom. It consists of three bony crests, connected through joints. The muscular sheets of the pelvic floor are its foundation offering security. Through the 3-dimensionality of locomotion we get to know the rhythm of contracting and releasing by the reciprocal changing between the phases of standing leg and moving leg. In daily life as much as in Yoga we play the play of stability and mobility.
From specific motoric floor exercises, we approach the Mula Bandha to shifting into full body movement later. This serves us as a base for swings and soft jumps. In standing and open leg positions as well as in daily life our pelvic floor will stay healthy when our pelvis is sensitively centred and the sacrum well wedged.

Each class is made up of sun prayers, softly sliding from standing into the floor and back up again. We connect elements from animal life, fish, snake, lizard, quadruped to standing exercises and one-leg-balances. The pelvic floor guides and supports as like a calm and safe hand. The base of the spine is part of the pelvic floor and connects the back side of the body, navel, and its front side.
Actively exercising will be complemented by anatomical explorations and improvisations. Hand and headstand will be built up by preparatory exercises. Inverse positions are an important part of yoga and serve the health of the pelvic floor and the hormonal system. Elements from Iyengar- and Ashtanga yoga will be connected to Spiraldynamik® and the joy of experimenting playfully.

Spiraldynamik® is a 3-dimensional movement and therapy concept based on anatomic functions. It offers learnable instructions for use of the human body from head to feet. The aim of Spiraldynamik® is to move anatomically healthy in daily life avoiding incorrect loading, pain and wearout.

Claudia Hitzenberger
© Márika Rakóczy
© Marika Rákóczy
© Marika Rákóczy
© Marika Rákóczy
© Qasem Alqasem
© Qasem Alqasem