Workshops 2021

Workshops 2021

Christopher Matthews
A queer house party: Film Night [Please note: overnight workshop! 30 July 21:00 until 31 July 9:00]

Intensive 2, 31.7.+1.8.2021
Arsenal 3

A Queer House Party: Film Night

This house party is for those who love a good cheesy dance film. Girls just wanna have fun so step it up to save the last dance in your red shoes during the white nights. Like the black swan bring it on in a footloose flash-dance swing time. Then you got served burlesque centre stage with a Saturday night fever that’s dirty dancing all that jazz for a turning point. Now Stomp the yard for it is strictly ballroom how she move during the street dance fame.

Lets dress up, make popcorn, and enjoy the films we love to hate! We will watch, re-enact and develop activities that allow us to think critically about how the identity of a dancer is glamorised. Now that’s singing in the rain for some mad hot ballroom honey.

Christopher Matthews

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