Workshops 2017

Workshops 2017

Adriana Almeida Pees
BMC® – Architectural Interaction

Week 4, 7.8.–11.8.2017
Arsenal 4

BMC® – Architectural Interaction

Internal Architecture as corner stone for personal development

This workshop is based on the Body-Mind Centering® Method (BMC) and focuses on the origins and interactions of embryonic movements as well as their influences on and relationships with various body systems of adult humans.
We get a grasp on the architecture of our body in terms of its dimensions, qualities, relations and ties with the embryology as well as with the systems of fluids, organs and connective tissue. Thus we gain an understanding of the reciprocal influences between the whole and its parts. These interactions on the level of our internal architecture support us both, in the artistic process and in our personal development.

Adriana Almeida Pees

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Date: 29.04.2024, 12:48 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id3293/