Workshops 2016

Workshops 2016


Week 4, 8.8.–12.8.2016
Arsenal F


Touch the floor and find out what’s next

The idea of a Groundmove starts when the hands have the possibility to touch the floor. The way to get down on the ground and back into a standing position are important components of this workshop.
The particularity in floor work is when it seems effortless. Therefore a foundational knowledge of positions is necessary to produce an economical effect on hard physical movement. In this workshop, many of these basic positions are used as tools. We’ll move in and out of these positions to condition our body. Each body part touching the floor can be utilised as a balancing point, which we explore first in a resting position and then through moving all the free body parts, hence opening up the movement range. Spinning on the balancing/body point is also part of this game. The transition from one to the other point is more than just a switchover, and done in sequence can create a loop.
For this particular workshop I look back on more than thirty years of experience in Bboying/Breaking, which mostly deals with Groundmoves.



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Date: 02.05.2024, 16:56 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id3112/