Workshops 2012

Workshops 2012

© Emilia Milewska

Attila & Hana ZANIN
Vertanzte Geschichten

© Emilia Milewska
Week 2, 23.7.–27.7.2012
Arsenal B
Vertanzte Geschichten A mix of Contemporary Dance and HipHop This Workshop is addressed to people with and without intellectual disabilities, who like to work in a group, discover their personal ways of expression and simply enjoy moving. A warm-up-training based on a mix of Contemporary Dance and HipHop opens the first part of the class and enables us to relax our bodies and make them more flexible and sensible. We will develop new ideas on how to use the body more efficiently and get more acquainted with it. In the second part of the class we are going to experiment with dynamics of movement and different dance styles and work towards interpretations of various roles. With the use of a story taken from the choreographies of the "Ich bin O.K." – repertory we will create small dance phrases. "Every day we experience that the most beautiful things are the simple ones. Acrobatic skills do not matter in dance, but equipped with some basics, our dancers develop their full expressive potential and they simply enjoy moving in the here and now. The dancers are always authentic, distinctively expressive – unique! This is their artistic power, which turns their performance into magic and enchants their audience. Their multi-faceted movement quality inspires us as choreographers and expands our own movement range as dancers. All of this turns our work into a big present." Hana & Attila Zanin about their work at the "Ich bin O.K."-Association. The Association for Culture and Education "Ich bin O.K." has been founded in 1979 by Prof. Dr. Katalin Zanin in Vienna. The aim of the Association is to offer children and young people with and without disabilities a platform to participate and influence in the cultural world of our society through public dance performances. More information about the Association "Ich bin O.K.": www.ichbinok.at
Attila ZaninHana Zanin
© Emilia Milewska
© Emilia Milewska
© Emilia Milewska
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 29.04.2024, 14:23 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id2158/