Workshops 2011

Workshops 2011

Sascha Krausneker & Georg Blaschke
Trainings-Lab Feldenkrais|Contemporary

© Laurent Ziegler & Sascha Krausneker
Week 4, 8.8.–12.8.2011
Arsenal D
Trainings-Lab Feldenkrais | Contemporary The daily training will start with an ATM (Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement - lesson) that will take around 60 min. Each day will cover a different functional theme (e.g. extension, rotation, flexion etc.) that will bring us to more differentiation of the movement apparatus as well as our perception. With the Feldenkrais Method we can learn to move with ease and to enlarge our comfortable movement range. The Method is a unique and revolutionary approach to the understanding of human learning, movement and function. Its focus is on the practical development of one's own individual potential and ability. Possible effects of an ATM can be: improved balance and posture, easier breathing, clarified relationship of bones an muscles in relation to gravity and the floor, more differentiated self organisation, increased presence in our body and in space. In the second part of the training we will explore possible connections between the functional themes of the Feldenkrais lesson and a contemporary dance technique. We will approach that process partly through an improvised movement research and partly through more structured and guided phrases. We will focus mainly on a playful discovery of new and more differentiated qualities of movements that may emerge from an advanced inside awareness to enrich the dance vocabulary. A possible goal may be to question or re-define usual patterns and standards like rolling, spiraling, curving and spinning as well as the extension and dynamics of movement. Furthermore we may experiment with a variety of possibilities to relate the method to personal concepts of centre, gravity and release-based movements or even Yoga-postures. On a meta-level we will open up the space for discussion and reflection about our presence and performing attitude within the daily training.
Sascha KrausnekerGeorg Blaschke

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