Intensive 1, 19.7.+20.7.2008
+ 15:00–17:30
In this workshop scores will be used as rules for the reorganissation of our surroundings.
Each rule is to be understood as a link of actions as well as a limitation of actions and is a foundation for the improvisation structure. Therefore a set of scores, rules, develop certain characteristics and offer various possibilities for creation in a playful way.
Premises for a successful shaping of scores is a differentiated awareness of the body, the group, time and space. In order to enable this awreness we will work on our senses in a specific warm-up. Adequate for people with or without movement experience as the workshop is built on a sef-aware examination of its content.
Scores can be a subtext for improvisation in performances, but even so in other situations like classes for children and adolescents.
Kerstin Kussmaul