Research 2017

Research 2017


Field Project
Arsenal F+


A few years ago during training with the group Animatronik we had the fundamental idea of developing a tool, which facilitates the cultivation of the fix-point-principle in the Popping dance style and takes its movement vocabulary from Toyman and Tutting. Over time this experiment turned into a game with rather simple rules. Though movement material needs to be specifically generated and cultivated for it.

The body is divided in various sections, which end where a 90 degrees bend is possible. The movement principle is similar to taking measures with a yardstick: pushing, pulling, folding and swinging. This is why we called it Gauging.

Many a time we planned on finding possibilities for the development of a completely new dance form especially during contact improvisation. Because the frame of the game is not that limiting and rules can be broken without destroying it, I would like to know if a group of dancers could find enough interesting Gauging material, through depth acquired in daily practice, in order to use this topic in its vastness as a conceptual dance for a production. Find an example of Gauging at 3:11 in this video.

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Date: 04.05.2024, 17:17 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/research/pid3541/