Stéphane Peeps (DE/FR)


Stéphane Peeps born in Cameroon, he got exposed to the art of HipHop in Paris, where he grew up, in the early 2000s. But only later in New York City he took those skills to the next level through House, HipHop, Jazz and Tap dancing. The blending of African moves and the analysis of movement to his dance gave him his unique style and urban twist that led him to win dance competitions internationally, judge dance battles worldwide, and teach his craft on all continents.

He is a dance coach in prestigious academies such as the Flying Steps Academy in Berlin and at ImPulsTanz.
After the successful collaboration as a dance performer with Ian Kaler on Incipient Futures in 2016/17, followed a new collaboration with Ian Kaler (choreographer/director) for: On the Cusp for the renowned Swedish Cullberg Ballet, which premiered at Tanzquartier Vienna mid January 2019 and for which Stéphane was the assistant choreographer.


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