Sri Louise is an internationally recognised dance performer and Yoga teacher. She currently resides in the high desert of Albuquerque, New Mexico where she co-curates ACES, Albuquerque Curated Experiments Salon, which is a migrating platform encouraging experimental approaches to performance. She has performed with such choreographers as Sarah Michelson and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Sri Louise has been teaching Yoga since 1995 and is a disciple of Swami Dayananda Sarasvati. Sri is a vocal critique of the Western Yoga Industrial Complex and maintains a blog, PostYoga, where she writes about some of the most important issues facing the Euro-American Yoga community: whiteness, settler colonialism and Hinduphobia. All her adventures can be found on her website.
Sri Louise started Country Line Dancing in 2017 when she was asked to audition for a film that needed Country line-dancers. She has since line danced in 3 feature films! She went onto the Dirty Bourbon, Albuquerque, New Mexico’s premier Country Western bar to study Country Line Dancing with Donna Ruanne. Sri chooses choreographies set to Country music that is super fun and upbeat. It is how she survived the pandemic!