Maartje Pasman (AT/NL)


Maartje Pasman (1988) is a Dutch performer and artist with Indonesian roots who lives in Vienna. She danced for Florentina Holzinger, Georg Blaschke and Sara Ostertag, among others, and was part of the De Dansers (NL) and Jungle Wien (AT) ensembles. As a performer, Maartje danced in countless performances for young audiences worldwide, e.g.: Ubumuntu Festival (RW), ASSITEJ Festival (KOR), Tweetakt (NL). She has been recognised for her artistic achievements, including the Stella14 Performing Arts Award for Outstanding Performer and participation in productions that were recognised as Best Outstanding Performance for Young Audiences. Maartje has a BA Contemporary Dance from the Amsterdam University of the Arts (2010) and is the recipient of the danceWEB scholarship for the ImPulsTanzfestival 2018, the Start scholarship 2018 from the Federal Chancellery of Austria and the Performance work scholarship 2023 from the City of Vienna. Maartje is always looking for new artistic ways to create high quality performances for young audiences. Together with Katharina Senk, she is part of the collective:


        Franzi Kreis
© Franzi Kreis