Performances 2005

Performances 2005

Frans Poelstra & Robert Steijn (NL)
"Ich bin bei Dir"

"Ich bin bei Dir" © Poelstra & Steijn
"Ich bin bei Dir" Frans Poelstra and his dramaturg Robert Steijn share a late-night programme to celebrate their family affairs. "Helena - a family story with video"  15min  (premiere) A performance by Frans Poelstra Ist es wahr das man die Lust zum Tanzen durch die Muttermilch bekommt? Frans macht eine Hommage an das was seine Mutter ihm weitergegeben hat. Er zeigt wie Kinder im letzten Moment die Traeume ihrer Eltern erfuellen.   "Für Stefan" 34 lovepoems in 55 minutes a first dance solo by Robert Steijn dedicated to Stefan Stockinger with love and respect lightdesign: Tom Verheyen To all the people who fell in love. We are no fools, we are no losers, also when our love is not answered immediately. We can be hero’s in our quest for stillness, for being in harmony with the situation, and in our desire for total surrender to a state of not knowing what to do, except observing his feelings and thoughts. In his dance and poetry Robert Steijn looks for a total surrender to the world of his heart. Robert Steijn, performer and dramaturg, made an intimate solo performance about falling in love. Together with the audience he investigates how this magical moment changed his whole perception of the world. He shows a body in love, with dances of hectic feelings, burning hearts, fears of rejection; and a lot of misunderstandings; at the end he will feel the need for the empowerment of the self at the moment when nothing seems to work anymore. "Für Stefan" is an intimate solo of related to Robert Steijns growing interest to combine shamanism with theatre. His challenge is how to set up a modern ritual of personal transformation to mirror and provoke the hidden, unspoken feelings of the audience. He sees his over dramatic story of falling- in- love- - not without humor – as an initiation ceremony in growing up, and as a coming out of taking responsibility for his own life and desires in front of the eyes of the community.
2.8.2005, 21:00
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz