Workshops 2024

Workshops 2024

The Fashion Performance Workshop features dancing couples in colourful costumes, some with wigs, who move together; each pair has one able-bodied person is shown dancing with a person in a wheelchair.

Krõõt Juurak & Vera Rosner
Fashion Performance

© yakoone
Week 3, 29.7.–2.8.2024
11:40–14:40 / XL +Teacher
Arsenal C+

Fine feathers make fine birds? Surely not! We allow the fashion to decorate itself with our bodies, to be cool with us to groovy sounds and to present proudly: the freedoms and responsibilities our outfits offer us – in the way they perform us, while we perform them.

This workshop is mainly about you and your performance, and that includes fashion. In other words: we will explore what we already are, what we already perform, through what we already wear. 

We will look for (dis)alignment in our style of clothing, speaking, dancing and being. This is about dressing up, dressing down, and dressing sideways. Wearing your best, your worst and your most mediocre outfits, all at the same time. Asking, demanding and crying for attention. Do you remember how you dressed yourself as a child, before the concern of ‘fitting in / sticking out’ appeared? We want to play and have joy in doing and wearing things in the ‘wrong’ way. We also definitely still very much want to fit in but also to find new ways of ‘getting away with it’.

In this workshop we will practise being ourselves in the expanded sense of the word. We also love fun, courage, crying and discipline. Definitely not a sitting around all day workshop, wheelchair users will be sitting but not sit still. We will train, but not necessarily dance technique. Previous knowledge in fashion or performance is not required.

On the first day, please come in work-clothes.

Krõõt JuurakVera Rosner
© yakoone
© Krõõt Juurak
© Iris Rogozhina
© Sanja Bistričić Srića