The basis of every lesson is the breath. For a liberated breath, one needs an upright posture that arises playfully.
Each class includes targeted strengthening of the core so that twisting exercises and inversions can be performed safely. Light preliminary exercises and variations for forearm stand, handstand, shoulder stand and headstand refreshen the mind and make the heart smile. Inversion exercises are an extremely important part of yoga, they help to maintain a healthy pelvic floor, digestion and hormonal system – and they are fun. From Sun-Salutations, the gentle gliding from one position to the next into the floor and out of it again, Claudia leads participants into Asanas of the animal and plant world, combining fish, snake, lizard, quadruped, crow, peacock, tree etc., with all kinds of standing exercises. The pelvic floor and lower belly guide and support us like two steady, safe hands.
In addition to active practice, the workshop will be accompanied by anatomical explorations and short improvisations. One can approach movement vocabulary that one doesn't expect to be able to learn with curiosity and give it a chance in amazement.
Claudia playfully combines elements from Iyengar Yoga (targeted use of props) and Ashtanga Yoga (flow of movement supported by deep breathing) with Spiraldynamik® and with her own joy of experimentation.
Spiraldynamik® is a three-dimensional, anatomically and functionally based movement and therapy concept. It offers a learnable instruction manual for the human body from head to toe. The aim of Spiraldynamik® is to move in an anatomically healthy way in everyday life in order to specifically avoid incorrect strain, pain and wear and tear. Ideal for physically active people. The earlier the more preventive, the later the more therapeutic.
Claudia Hitzenberger