Workshops 2023

Workshops 2023

Kira Kirsch
Cultivating Potential – Axis Syllabus

Week 1, 10.7.–14.7.2023
Schmelz 7

movement resources – potential within – capacity for resilience

With tools from the Axis Syllabus, we are learning how to investigate, break down and describe movement with a strong orientation towards searching sustainable movement patterns. We look at safer and creative falling reflexes, sequential movement, defining individual and contextual range of motion and enhancing kinetic literacy to name a few topics. These practices can be applied to dance and many other movement related fields.

In my classes I aim to create scenarios for textured and embodied dancing and a learning environment where your body can self-organise and thrive. Movement material, sensations, coordination and perspectives of anatomy and biomechanics are proposed to explore. The information ideally self-seeds into resilient and adapted movement fitting your body and environments as well as open new curiosities for autonomous study, practice, and application.

Kira Kirsch
© Mattthias Lüdecke
© Anna Maynard
© Anna Maynard
© Anna Maynard
© Rune Abro