Workshops 2022

Workshops 2022

© Hannah Fasching

Ina Holub aka Trina Mizrahi & Anna Gaberscik
Let The Fat Bitch Slay

© Hannah Fasching
Week 2, 18.7.–22.7.2022
16:00–17:45 / +Teacher
Arsenal F

The workshop is aimed at fat, queer and multiply marginalised people.
Let The Fat Bitch Slay begins with a historical examination of the racist roots of fatphobia. Participants then experience and learn voguing from a fat-positive perspective. Participants explore the different styles and categories of Voguing from a fat-positive perspective and learn a choreography. The class specifically addresses different bodies and celebrates exactly what majority society tends to reject. Voguing is a highly political dance style of the Black and Latinx New York queer scene, and is therefore aimed specifically at (multiply) marginalised people.

Ina Holub aka Trina MizrahiAnna Gaberscik
© Josefin-Marie-Christin Sternbauer
© Josefin-Marie-Christin Sternbauer
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 19.04.2024, 23:05 | Link: