One of the most beautiful things about dancing is the sensation when you surrender to the pull of the earth and let go...
In this workshop we will gently prepare the bodymind for a genuine conversation with gravity. By learning how to fall, we are disarming a primal fear and are better prepared for a life of moving and exploring movement. We will begin with rolling in many different ways, discovering the soft surfaces of our body topography and study structurally integrated ramps in and out of the floor. Last but not least we add spirals and curves plus a dash of momentum for pleasurable falling/dancing and other dynamic experiments.
The Axis Syllabus is an approach of learning, researching and experiencing movement. It is a precise system of orienting the body internally and externally that is based on ongoing empirical, multi-scientific and pedagogical inquiry. Applied anatomy, physics, biomechanics and tensegrity are considered in the creation and analysis of movement. The study of safe falling reflexes, fluid transitions, injury prevention and kinetic efficiency are some of the aspects of this approach. An Axis Syllabus class aims to create a collaborative learning environment and effective space for personal research.
Kira Kirsch