What if we dance only in pursuit feeling? What if we must always return to sensation as the dominant logic in our perception? Let’s move beyond identifiable social and technocratic forms of being and perceiving. Let’s move beyond identifiable dance forms. This workshop delves into a physical, perceptual and speculative practice of embodiment and dancing. Feminism is the groundwork for a dancing methodology initiated from deep inside the body’s internal organs. It’s rare to articulate movement solely from individualised sensation remaining forever unknown in concrete terms and perpetually subjective, abandoning representations and images so often projected onto a body’s surface. We will work with a system of perception-action through five distinct energetic modalities emerging from infinite internal depth. This model of perception into embodiment and back again relies first and foremost on sensation as the primary motor and monitor. Precarious conditions of dancing manifest an immanent politics residing in a body’s capacity to transform itself, others, and change the world. The body holds a capacity for resistance and expansive powers, and dance can invent what a body can do. We aim to unleash a previously unimagined range of expressivity in dancing bodies. The postmodern dance canon is critiqued by the use of queer, camp, extreme affect to undermine assumed values of neutrality and beauty. The reactivation of the social body is a political project that begins with dancing.
Moriah Evans