Workshops 2015

Workshops 2015

A smiling Angélique Willkie. The image rights are held by Karolina Miernik

Angélique Willkie
Release Technique

© Karolina Miernik
Week 3, 3.8.–7.8.2015
Arsenal E

Release Technique

No extra tension needed

The class, focused on moving in space as organically as possible, can be loosely described as a combination of Limón and Release techniques. Relaxation exercises on the floor focus on sensations of weight, space, contact with the floor and minimal muscular effort to execute movement, culminating in a floor combination directly applying these ideas. As a logical extension of the floor work, the standing work focuses on developing the support from the spine and on using the muscles in a free and efficient manner so that no extra tension is created other than the one really required to execute the movements. The isolation and weight of body parts, the openness of the joint articulations, and the relationship with the floor are used as the stimuli for movement. This will also focus the dancers’ awareness on guiding the physical energy and momentum naturally created in and by the body while moving.
This approach encourages an intelligent use of the physical instrument allowing each dancer to discover the full organic possibilities of his/her body. This physical class plays with the use of space, level changes, musicality and rhythm and is, after all, an opportunity to just dance!

Angélique Willkie

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