Workshops 2013

Workshops 2013

Georg Blaschke & Sascha Krausneker
Come into a Flow

© Georg Blaschke
Week 3, 29.7.–2.8.2013
Arsenal D

Come into a Flow

Feldenkrais & Movement Research

Sascha Krausneker and Georg Blaschke have further developed their long-term collaboration: with Come into a Flow they offer a new emphasis for the possible connection between the Feldenkrais Method and improvisation & movement research.

The Feldenkrais Method is a unique and revolutionary approach to the understanding of human learning, movement and function. Its focus is on the practical development of one’s own individual potential and ability. The daily sessions start with an ATM (Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson), which will take around 60 min. Each day covers a different functional theme or movement pattern that brings us to greater differentiation of the movement apparatus as well as of our perception and our self. With the Feldenkrais method we can learn to move with ease and to enlarge our comfortable movement range. Possible effects of an ATM can be: improved balance and posture, easier breathing, clarified relationship of bones an muscles in relation to gravity and the floor, more differentiated self organisation, increased presence in our body and in space.

In the second part of the sessions we want to see if we will enter into a flow state by intuitively continuing the previous movement topics and then improvise and experiment with the flow.

Flow Flow is the mental state of an operation and movement in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energised focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterised by complete absorption in what one does. – M. Csíkszentmihályi

The following components of flow can be relevant for improvisation and movement research:
- intense focus on the present moment
- a distortion of one's subjective experience of time and space in movement
- dissolving of reflective self-consciousness
- merging of action and awareness
- spontaneous openness for contact and partner work without specific preparation
- playing with unpredictable choreographic structures

One cannot force oneself to enter into a flow. We can just prepare the ingredients. It just happens.


Georg BlaschkeSascha Krausneker
© Georg Blaschke
© Laurent Ziegler
© Jan Machacek
© Laurent Ziegler