Workshops 2009

Workshops 2009

Sascha Krausneker

Week 3, 3.8.–7.8.2009
Arsenal 3
Feldenkrais Method Public Workshop In this 1-week workshop we will explore the Feldenkrais Method and gradually find out how to usefully integrate it into our movement repertoire and life. With the Feldenkrais Method we can learn to move with ease and to enlarge our comfortable movement range. We come more in contact with our self. The possible themes of Feldenkrais-lessons cover a wide range of human movement: from infant development to high-level performance abilities. The Method is a unique and revolutionary approach to the understanding of human learning, movement and function. Its focus is on the practical development of one's own individual potential and ability. People learn to improve the way they organise themselves for action. Effects of Feldenkrais lessons can be: Improved balance, easier breathing, a better coordination, more efficient movement, more differentiated movement, improved posture, freedom from pain, increased movement range, increased self perception, more presence, more stability, more power, better contact to the floor, among many others. More Info at: "The Lessons are designed to improve ability, that is, to expand the boundaries of the possible: to turn the impossible into the possible, the difficult into the easy, and the easy into the pleasant.” Moshé Feldenkrais
Sascha Krausneker

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