Art, Soma & Sensxuality
Sense Appeal can be understood as a galaxy guide through desire and dissolve at constant play. Melanie developed this version of Sense Appeal to offer an exploration of our sensxual selves in relation to somatic awareness, dance and performance.
As for encounters of the uncertain kind: here we first slow it all way down, we do less and practice to meet ‘what is’ with curiosity. In this atmosphere, subtle forms of intimacy can come to play within individual, partner and group exercises around touch, presence, attention, sense-based movement, living boundaries and performative awareness. We build a variety of scenarios that can connect us to our own inner sensxual compass guiding our way of relating in momentary art-life.
Sense Appeal is for people of all movement capacities and anyone interested in ‘being’ art, in cruising rational and sensual realms together and in naming desires within ourselves in shared light hearted space and time.
Melanie Maar