Workshops 2023

Workshops 2023

Sarah Gaderer
Stark wie eine Schnecke (4–6J)

© Franzi Kreis
Week 2, 17.7.–21.7.2023
09:30–11:00 / S
DW 1

Ever hopped like a pug? Fenced with a pike or hiked like a salamander? No? Then don't let me stop you!
In a week full of play, improvisation and movement, we will go on a quest to track down animals and their characteristics. How do they move and encounter each other? Which of their characteristics do we know from ourselves? And what makes them special?

We let cats and mice be friends and dance together. Fish can blow out birthday candles and bats and robins will have breakfast together.
We will work with existing stories about animals to invent new images and little scenes, using our bodies and voices to the full. And who knows, maybe in the end we'll realise that the bravest animal on the savannah is actually the hyena.

Sarah Gaderer
© Franzi Kreis
© Franzi Kreis