Workshops 2023

Workshops 2023

Doris Uhlich & Boris Kopeinig
more than naked

© Theresa Rauter
Week 1, 10.7.–14.7.2023
17:30–20:00 / XL +Teacher
Schmelz 7

The performance more than naked celebrates its 10th birthday in 2023. To accompany the revival with the original cast at ImPulsTanz 2023, Doris teaches her classic workshop.

In this workshop, facets of nudity, being naked and becoming naked on stage will be scrutinised. Nudity not as a provocation, but as a necessity for physical research. What kind of movements does the naked body make possible, that is not possible with clothes? What forms of force and fragility are contained in the naked body? What forms of representation, exhibition, display and performance does it produce? Above all, participants will work with the mass of the body, the flesh, the body fat, the skin and the skeleton. The flesh will be set in motion in different ways, made to fly and fall, the bone structure will implode and explode, skin surfaces will be shifted. We will “stage” the body without clothes, without losing the concreteness of nakedness. During this week we will explore more and more the question of what it means for us today to set the naked body in motion.

Live-DJs: Doris Uhlich and Boris Kopeinig

Doris UhlichBoris Kopeinig
© Andrea Salzmann
© Maurice Korbel