After a long, precarious period of witnessing our own inner movements and surviving in small, confined spaces for moving, maybe witnessing others via online platforms we will now meet in opening bodies in open spaces!
As always, we will all be coming from different places and shades of sensitivity. Maybe some of us already moved in open spaces and in festivals during the summer. But now, more than ever, calls for more attention to our differences and deeper study of what touch entails. Therefore, we will be inviting us all to find calm and focus, and delicately touch —physically, mentally, emotionally, politically— upon issues relating to touch in our dancing.
Are you willing to move with us inquiring into some of these questions?
Can we seriously study the sliding scale between a “yes” and a “no”? Can we inquire: how we know, how, when, why our answers change, when we are able to answer, when we are confused and/or unable to communicate clearly, when we are able or unable to read others, how we can develop physical and verbal language to express our ever-changing choices? In other words, how can we develop skills to be aware and able to sense our physical states and to be informed about our mental, emotional and chemical states; how they take shape in and around our dances? How can we become the masters and not the victims of our own choices and our partner's choices in any given moment? How can we move towards developing instant, multi-layered compositions with each other that let us stay in the dance for the dance? Are we ready to fail and repair?
All for co-creating a brave safe space in and around our dance floors!
Seriously joyful, joyfully serious…