Workshops 2022

Workshops 2022

Lilach Pnina Livne
Secret Art: The Movement Between Us

© Amos Brison
Week 2, 18.7.–22.7.2022
11:45–14:15 / XL
Arsenal C

In this workshop, we will investigate the potential of dance to exist between all individuals occupying an artistic space, rather than being an image placed before a single person, meant for his/her/their outer gaze. This being in-between individuals is reminiscent of love, which flows between lovers rather than being an object for apprehension and judgment, independent from its loving bodies.

While dance is not detached from our bodies, it also does not exist solely within them. Rather, it is positioned within the gap between our physical being and its image; between the other’s gaze at us and our thoughts about the other; between what exists in our consciousness and the images we perceive through our senses.

We will call this elusive gap between us “Spirit Dance”, and ask what manifestations of dance, thought and art it may open up for us. Although it is hard to define, “Spirit Dance” holds a haptic presence. We will seek this presence by practising concrete exercises, such as “gaze party”, “shapes meditation”, “being-see”, “being seen”, “escape from images”, “body scan” and “dancing in the dark”.

These exercises will also attempt to confront the image-based consciousness we find ourselves saturated in. Through them, we will explore the relevance and effectiveness of images in our

current time, the search for connectedness and community in the art space, and the term “secret art”.

The workshop is directed to people who are interested in the body and seek to reach beyond its representation, regardless of their having a dance background. It is open to people who wish to move and to ask questions about dance and its relationship with the gaze, and to people who believe in the potential of dance to become a state of being between people, independent of appearances.

Lilach Pnina Livne
© Amos Brison
© Amos Brison
© Amos Brison
© Amos Brison