Workshops 2021

Workshops 2021

Meg Stuart & Moriah Evans
The Matter

© Moriah Evans
Intensive 1, 24.7.+25.7.2021
11:00–17:00 / +Teacher
WUK Saal

The Matter

For two days we commit ourselves to listening and the need to speak. How to articulate expression through and with the body? Stand up tips over to lie down, into sit it out and then walk it off, towards run away or hold it down, tie it together, keep it quiet. We rant and we rave. A subterranean mode of speech ready to emerge. To speak it out, to hear it out, to move the words out. Movement as a text transcribed by our necessary, unrelenting, and unfiltered questions: What decisions were forgotten after we said yes? What is after consent and the agreement? Is commitment a gift towards another, maybe to oneself? Rant and rave—the act to act out. Moving the words while being open to the live moments of shift, with no assumptions, no pre-conceptions. What can we glean from positions of desperation, healing, and resistance? Care is a commitment. Commit to listen—again and again—to feel what we are saying, to move what is held, to catalyse, to shift, to sit it out, to stand up, to walk out if necessary, to step aside, to feel and to come back again and again to the heart of the matter.

Live music will be provided by Mieko Suzuki
Mieko Suzuki's website

Meg StuartMoriah Evans
© Paula Court