Workshops 2021

Workshops 2021

Kenji Takagi
Eating Space

Intensive 3, 7.8.+8.8.2021
11:30–14:00 + 16:45–19:15
Arsenal D

Eating Space

Space as motivation

Space motivates to move. It invites us to create and give birth to a happening. Points, lines, curves, planes, shapes, surfaces, traces, forms, directions, pathways, narrow, wide, central, periphery, direct, indirect, small, big… are concepts that provide nutrition for physical action. The body constantly organises and reorganises itself while creating, approaching, following and digesting representations of space. The diversity of efforts involved in this process evokes dynamic and expressive variety. How does that taste? The aim of this workshop is to explore space in a rigorous and playful manner, offering appetisers for technical and artistic movement research. Each session starts from simple warm-up tasks, evolving into more complex arrangements and interactions, that include improvisation and composition as well as executing freshly learned movement phrases.

Kenji Takagi

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