Workshops 2021

Workshops 2021

Kira Kirsch
Spine Time – Axis Syllabus

Week 1, 19.7.–23.7.2021
Arsenal A

Spine Time – Axis Syllabus

Autonomous and sparkling dance practice

The starting point for our journey will be our spine, a complex, dynamic structure, with a mozaic of features shaped by natural selection over vast periods of time – exquisitely capable as well as marked by fragility and subject to pain or injury for most of us at some point in life.

We will take observations and considerations of human evolutionary biology and dynamic architectural design (tensegrity, waves) to explore the body’s contemporary manifestation, how we read its functions and how we can protect and increase its potential. I invite you to the art of observation by looking at our shared and individual varied anatomies and by tracing ideas and concepts of experiencing the body in different contexts.  

Expect theory, applied research and a practice towards the cultivation of subtle articulation and a deep sensing spine. A spine that effectively distributes and recycles kinetic impact through itself, into pelvis, periphery and space. We will experiment with variations of crawling, walking, running and jumping to explore the history and adaptability of the spine with high regards to gravity as the complementary organising factor.

My personal interest lays in providing food for thought, time for integration and tools for sustainability and increased perception. Inspiring an autonomous and sparkling dance practice.

Kira Kirsch

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