A re-visit to the basis of physical laws in action, the use and awareness of the space, the breath, the intentions, the speeds, the silences, the others. The three fundamental A are a must on this field: being Aware, Awake and Alert.
A contemporary class that runs smooth but energetic. I will propose set-up sequences of movement for most of this class but being open enough to allow space for reinterpretation. The emphasis of the work will be placed on the use of the body's centre, our big power source. The use of the skeleton structure and muscular chains will help to find fluidity and freedom in our movements, helping us to recycle energy and gain endurance. Slowly some theatrical inputs will give intention or meaning to the movements and will help us to dive in a state of performance, rather than exercising dance steps, through a specific energy and clear kinaesthetic images not just from a merely technical vision of dance.
Most of this class will be individual work but also playing the double role of becoming observers, eyewitnesses, audience, assistants, and act in function of an other body.