Workshops 2017

Workshops 2017

Kira Kirsch
Falling Matters - Axis Syllabus

Week 3, 31.7.–4.8.2017
Arsenal D

Falling Matters - Axis Syllabus

How does an authentic play with gravity look like? Does it exist? What is potential energy and where is it located? How much resistance, how much letting go?  How about falling up and how small can a micro fall be? These and other questions around falling are subject of this workshop which invites to surrender, pretend, beat or meet gravity, sometimes a beast sometimes a magic wizard.
Falling matters because it can be feared or harnessed for making movement effortless. We will work on disarming the fear and cultivate falling as a primary impulse for movement development, phrase work and make falling the overall filter to perceive our anatomy and structure.
Expect lively contact between theory and practice, hands on work, experimenting, movement research and falling as dancing.

The Axis Syllabus can be considered an information resource pool filled with tools, tactics and knowledge for continuously improving movement education and training practices for dancers and everyone that desires to move. The AS claims to be a detailed systemic and a continuously redefining movement analysis that is based on on-going empirical, multi-scientific and pedagogical inquiry. Knowledge is gathered, organised and tested by a community of teachers and students from all walks of life. Safe falling reflexes, transitions, finding healthy range of motion, injury prevention or kinetic efficiency are some of the key objectives. An Axis Syllabus class aims to create a collaborative learning environment and effective space for personal research.

Kira Kirsch

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