Workshops 2016

Workshops 2016

Marta Coronado makes a movement in which she shifts her weight onto one front leg in a lunge and stretches one arm vertically upwards while her upper body is bent forwards. In the background is a setting of office buildings with dark windows. The image rights are held by Beniamin Boar

Marta Coronado
Tools for a Thinking Body

© Beniamin Boar
Week 3, 1.8.–5.8.2016
Arsenal C

Tools for a Thinking Body

After working more than a decade with and for the same choreographer I realised that I had to challenge and reinvent myself each time we would be involved in the creation of a new piece.

If we visualise the creation of a dance piece as a puzzle – and if as a dancer you would like to be an active piece on the board – you need to be a thinking body that changes, transforms, translates the basic material and is able to surprise herself or himself.
During this week of work we will deal with Space and Time alterations.
The first few days we will learn a basic phrase, which will be the vocabulary used to build all the changes.

The first transformations will be related to time:
How can we create the reverse of a movement phrase? Are we able to play with suspensions, to freeze the time on stage? Do we dare to make radical change of speeds and create endless loops that bring our dancing to other quality levels?

The space alterations are divided in two different groups: the vertical and the horizontal space.
In the vertical space alterations, we need to be aware of all possible levels our dancing can achieve. We will talk about the parameters to create a floor version of the material. A version that can interact harmoniously with other levels, like a jumping version - another subject we will also deal with.

In the horizontal space alterations we will amplify our research and create duos, trios and quartets with the different notions of two dimensions and three dimensions. We will be challenged to create ground patterns with our dancing that can interact with the ones of other dancers and construct a geometric figure all together.

The last day of work we will summon all the material created and try to make the skeleton of a dance piece to give the participants the chance of performing it to each other and have the sense of continuity this work should have.
The final goal of the workshop is to share the base of my own experience as a performer and give different guidelines and suggestions to the participants of when and how to use these principles of transformation and composition.

Marta Coronado
© Beniamin Boar
© Beniamin Boar
© Stanislav Dobák
© Stanislav Dobák
© Stanislav Dobák