Workshops 2015

Workshops 2015

Vera Rosner
Flora - ganz schön tierisch (4-6J)

© DI Karl Kosche
Week 4, 10.8.–14.8.2015
DW 2

Flora – ganz schön tierisch (4-6J)

Adventures with surprising encounters

"You're too little for that!" - Flora gets angry and decides to ask the plants and animals how to grow quickly. And this is the start to an adventurous journey with many surprising encounters ... are you intrigued? You certainly know how to sneak like a cat and how big a dinosaur can be - what does a bird need to do in order to be able to fly - or how does a tree feel when tickled by the wind. Together we try it all out and discover more! You can do something, which I can’t do! And this will be our starting point to create short dance pieces of children with different abilities.

Vera Rosner
© DI Karl Kosche
© DI Karl Kosche