Workshops 2011

Workshops 2011

Nicole Peisl
Around sight

Week 1, 18.7.–22.7.2011
Arsenal D
Around sight Nicole Peisl, who is a member of the Forsythe Company, has developed a distinct bodily practice and research methodology. She has developed this practice in the context of her work as a performer and choreographer. The aim of this workshop is to explore the way in which this practice can be a source for compositional and improvisational work. In this Workshop we will, establish an axis of orientation - „the midline“. This is a place to rest in, to depart from and to return to. We will work with curiosity, sensation, and differentiation through reflection, impulses, continuity, coherence, and completion. We will also consider the bases of these phenomena in anatomy. This reflective body/experience work will provide one part of the workshop. Against this background, we will acknowledge the role of action-taking and situatedness. We will investigate how we react to new situations and also old situations, how we make decisions and thus create new situations. This will be the setting ("Zusammenhang") through which we can move from the bodily practice into the field of compositional possibilities. We will work with partners, exploring the value of conversation, as well as other forms of movement and hands on work. We will examine the ways in which observing is no less an active task than performing.
Nicole Peisl
© Hannah Siegesleuthner