Workshops 2010

Workshops 2010

Charmaine LeBlanc
Voice & Rhythm

© Anthony Maclean
Week 3, 2.8.–6.8.2010
Arsenal 4
Week 4, 9.8.–13.8.2010
Arsenal 3
Voice & Rhythm voice as a basic music organ How close can we come to actually producing the intimacy of sounds that live within us? Of all the means by which we express ourselves, voice is by far the most intimate revelation of our essential self. The voice is said to be a repository of everything that we have acquired. It is such an intimate part of us, as characteristically and personally our own that each of us is able to identify the other on the phone after we speak little more than one syllable. After having studied with some of the most renowned figures of the world including members of The Roy Hart Theatre and Meredith Monk, I cannot help but believe that some aspects of the voice are universal and that we are all touched by a certain register of human musical scales that are within each one of us, an ongoing orchestration of sounds and music that reflect the poetry of our singularity. The workshop will be based on a series of technical vocal and physical exercises followed by various performance tools adopted from theatre and performance work that Charmaine has been developing over a number of years.
Charmaine LeBlanc