Marta Coronado
Rosas Repertory - Drumming
© Hermann Sorgeloos
Week 4, 10.8.–14.8.2009
Arsenal C
Rosas Repertory - Drumming
"Drumming" is a dance piece created by ROSAS in 1998. During the week we will be working in learning material of "Drumming" to be able to dance it and transform it in a personal and unique way. I will teach the vocabulary and phrases from the piece and once we will master them I will give different tasks and parameters to transform those phrases and to help to create your own vocabulary and way of expressing it.
I explain and teach tools we use in ROSAS Company to generate material.
We will talk about how to reverse a phrase, how to make a floor version of it, how to apply it in space, spirals, maximum versions, minimum versions, rhythmical and speed alternations, loops, video scratches, shifting...
The final result should be a playful approach and give you the chance to experience ROSAS material with your own body and help you understand the work of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.
Marta Coronado