ImPulsTanz 2013 © Mathilde Monnier / CCN Montpellier

Mathilde Monnier & François Olislaeger

Qu'est-ce qui nous arrive?!?

An amazing comic strip of the body and its often strange choreographies. Drawings can best capture the poses of bodies and their positions in space. Based on their intimate knowledge of human nature, comic artists can scribble the body into our perception in a new way. Since Louis XIV, attempts have been made to graphically “capture” dance in drawings, notations and with symbols. Now the renowned French choreographer Mathilde Monnier and the successful Belgian comic artist Francois Olislaeger tread new paths in a project that has caused a sensation. After their joint comic book “Mathilde. Danser après tout”, they have now developed a stage piece. In "What’s going on with us?!?2 the performers are not dance professionals but people like you and me. Their joy of movement, their dance memories and personalities provide this danced version of a graphic novel with verisimilitude and immediacy

July 26 + 28, 2013 | Odeon