ImPulsTanz 2017


Rosas danst Rosas

In 1997, Thierry De Mey filmed Rosas danst Rosas in the former technical school of architect Henry Van de Velde in Leuven. He opts for a heavily ‘inter-cut’ version in which, apart from the cast of four dancers from 1995 and 1996, he also has all the other performers from the long history of the show since its premiere in 1983 dance along. The dance piece Rosas danst Rosas will return this October as an ImPulsTanz Special to Odeon Theatre in Vienna. In 1985, Erwin Piplits und Uli Kaufmann presented Rosas danst Rosas three weeks en suite at the former Serapionstheater at Wallensteinplatz in Vienna for the first time in Austria, ImPulsTanz in 1997 and 2009 at the former Messepalast (today Museumsquartier). Meanwhile the film created his own fame and was presented by major TV stations and art house cinemas all over Europe and internationally.