Research 2007

Research 2007

Mathilde Monnier
CoachingProject: Copié

© David Bergé
Coaching Project
Week 2, 23.7.–27.7.2007
Copié For our time together I propose to work on the concepts of copy, of reinterpretation, of collage, of making a fair copy, and of theft. We will choose some choreographic parts from a video catalogue I will propose or from DVDs and video tapes brought by you. We will study these excerpts precisely, and consequently this material will be rewritten in a series of re-translations. This process will serve us as a pretext to reflect together upon the issues of translation, deformation and quotation. We will invest ourselves in re-interpreting the materials without presumptions and in understanding their origins and their meaning. We will try to create several versions of these readings as action and representation. We will do this for ourselves, but if we wish and if its seems necessary we may invite audience to share this experience with us. Mathilde Monnier Since 1994 Mathilde Monnier has been the appointed director of the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier and has created several pieces since then (Nuit in 1995, L’atelier en pièces in 1996, Arrêtez, arrêtons, arrête in 1997, Les lieux de là in 1998/99). In 2000, for Montpellier Danse, Mathilde Monnier invited numerous artists to create an event called Potlatch, dérives which questioned the philosophy of gift and debt. Then she was engaged in doing the diptych Signé, Signés based considerably on Merce Cunningham‘s and John Cage’s work. In 2002, she presented Allitérations, a danced conference, with the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy and for the festival Agora at Centre Pompidou / Ircam in Paris. For Montpellier Danse she created Multimaterials with the dancers of the professional training course organized by the choreographic center. Also in 2002 she choreographed Déroutes based on a novel from G. Büchner. In 2003 she was commissioned by the Lyon Opera Ballet to create Slide with a video maker and a guitarist. In 2004, she created Pièces made of four short experimental performances. At the festival Montpellier Danse in 2004 she showed Publique, a piece based on the music of the rock star PJ Harvey. 2005 was marked by two productions: La Place du singe is a duet with the French writer Christine Angot based on a bourgeoisie issue premiered within the festival Montpellier Danse in 2005. Frère&soeur was commissioned by Avignon Festival 2005 at the Cour d’Honneur du Palais des Papes. In 2006, she created 2008 vallée in collaboration with the french singer Katerine. At the same time, among her filmography, she co-directed Chinoiseries and Bruit Blanc with Valérie Urréa and E pour eux directed by Karim Zeriahen. Her contribution to publishing showed in the edition of two books in 2001: Dehors la danse with the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy and MW with the photographer Isabelle Waternaux and the writer Dominique Fourcade. In 1999 Mathilde Monnier was rewarded with the „Grand Prix National des Arts du Spectacle Vivant”, a French award for the performing arts by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, and in 2000 she received the „Grand Prix de l’Etoile Dansante”, first equal with Heiner Goebbels, given by the Laura Wolf Andorra foundation.
Mathilde Monnier