Research 2006

Research 2006

Benoît Lachambre
PRO SERIES: Common Places

© Michael Slobodian
Pro Series
Week 3, 31.7.–4.8.2006
Body Reflection or Many States Of Being This project proposes constructive alignment accompanied with deep imagery work that awakens both, energy patterns and body spaces awareness. This creates strong relating to inner/outer dialogue, investigating influence and affluence. The work taps into a soft approach to the essence of ones self-reflection. This addresses the use of fluid standing into soft bodies. Never the less it is possible to invest with this approach rapid and tonic states, even though, the tendency is to veer most often towards soft embracive application. The work also offers alternative definitions of strength where grounding caries one self through body extension and space awareness. Reinvesting strength patterns brings into reconsidering ones positioning into its surroundings. It does not offer an answer but multiple propositions and possibilities. Benoit Lachambre From 1978 to 1990, Benoît Lachambre worked as a choreographer, performer, improviser and teacher in jazz technique and modern dance. In New York in the mid-80’s, he began researching on releasing, choreography and improvisation techniques. He has worked with Stéphanie Skura, Nina Martin, Kaja Gam, Ishmahel Huston Jones, Elisa King, and worked in many improvisation nights and independent works of the New York artistic community. From 1987 to 1990 he was regularly invited to perform as a solo dancer by the Toronto Dance Theatre. In the same period, he danced for Marie Chouinard, Jennifer Lacey and Meg Stuart performing throughout Europe and North America. He has regularly taught at the European Dance Development Centre of Arnhem in the Netherlands since 1991 and has also collaborated with Marie-Josée Chartier, Daniel Léveillé, José Navas, Catherine Tardif, Sasha Waltz, and producer Thierry Bédart. In October 1996 he founded his own company par b.l.eux. From 1996 to 2000 Lachambre created a body of works: “The water fait mal”, “Secrets and stories”, “L’âne et la bouche”, “DédanseD’elles”, “L te croix”, “Délire Défait”, “Gliding the volcano”,”L'aberration des traces”,”Le chant de l'ambre et ambroisie”, “Confort et Complaisance”, “Loups Louves”, and “L T +”. Benoît Lachambre received the Jacqueline-Lemieux prize in 1998 from the Canada Council for the Arts. After the performance of his solo Délire Défait in Toronto, he received the 2001 Dora Major More Award, both for Outstanding Performance and Outstanding New Choreography. He was invited by the Compagnie De Brune to participate in Lynda Gaudreau’s piece “Document 1”. He was also part of Felix Ruckert’s “Hautna”h at Danse-Cité. 2001 Benoît performed a duet with “Gonnie Heggen”, in her Lab Series at De Melkweg in Amsterdam. 2001 Benoît Lachambre has created “rrr …” (reading readings reading), a piece with Saskia Hölbling and Laurent Goldring, co-produced by TanzWerkstatt Berlin and TanzQuartier Wien. He was co-creator, along with Andrew Harwood, of the improvisation project titled “Not to Know”, presented by the Festival International de Nouvelle Danse de Montréal and by ImPulsTanz 2002. He has taken the works “Délire Défait” and “Confort et Complaisance” to Europe. He participated in the creation of Boris Charmatz & Association Edna “héatre-élévision” presented at ImPulsTanz 2003 in Vienna. His collaboration with Meg Stuart and Hahn Rowe “LOVE, FORGERIES AND OTHER MATTERS” premiered in Zürich May 2004. see also
Benoît Lachambre